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Int 5F Fn 02  - HP 95lx Graphics Primitives - Get Current Graphics Inform  [b]

   AH = 02h
   ES:DI -> graphics info record (see below)

Return: DX:AX -> filled graphics info record (for return to high-level langs)

Format of graphics info record:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    current video mode
 01h   BYTE    default video mode
 02h   WORD    display width in pixels
 04h   WORD    display height in pixels
 06h   WORD    current pen column
 08h   WORD    current pen row
 0Ah   WORD    current line type
 0Ch   WORD    current replacement rule
 0Eh   WORD    current pen color
 10h   WORD    current leftmost column of clip region
 12h   WORD    current rightmost column of clip region
 14h   WORD    current topmost row of clip region
 16h   WORD    current bottommost row of clip region
 18h   WORD    current column of logical origin
 1Ah   WORD    current row of logical origin
 1Ch  8 BYTEs  current fill mask

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